CBD: More than a Supplement

A couple of years ago, a remarkable thing happened when cbd became legal in all 50 of the US states. If you remove CBD from the thc coming from the cannabis plant or the hemp plant, cbd is now legal to use as a nutritional supplement. Since that time, of course, the market has exploded with interest and this conversation today is about the physiological effects of CBD on the human body. Truly, cbd is not just another nutritional supplement. This short conversation is going to accurately describe the intense scientific research that’s going on around the world, but in simple language so that everyone understands of why cbd is so important for human physiology. In order to comprehend the significance of CBD to our health, we first have to ask the simple question, what exactly is our health?

Is it just the absence of disease? If you don’t have symptoms, you must be healthy. Well, it’s actually far more important question and a deeper question than just that. How does human physiology actually work? How is it designed? In general, every aspect of human physiology is based on the balance between polar opposites, between the Yin and the Yang. This creates homeostasis. When we look at specific parts of our physiology like the immune system, the Yin and the Yang, the opposites would be anti-inflammation and inflammation. The negative and the positive. When those two things are imbalanced, your immune system is functioning properly. If we’re talking about our nervous system, then we’re talking about the forces of excitation and the forces of inhibition or relaxation. When we’re talking about our endocrine system, our hormone system, we have the forces of breaking down tissue or the catabolic hormones, and we have the anabolic hormones which build up tissue.

When those two forces are in balance, we have homeostasis of our endocrine or hormone system. If we’re talking about oxidation, we have forces of antioxidation enforces of oxidation. Most people think that you have to just take buckets full of antioxidants all the time is if oxidation is bad, not true. If you didn’t have oxidation and the forces of oxidation in your bodies, you couldn’t survive even one minute. Those two things have to be in balance. They have to be in homeostasis. All of our physiological systems have to be in this constant state of homeostasis, a dynamic balance. The stronger your physiology is, the ability to stay in homeostasis. Is there a more robust. Your capacity to be in homeostasis is the healthier you.